Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nothing Will Come of Nothing

I was originally planning to write about my little sister but that will have to wait. :) As i was looking around for a quote that would fit Hallie(sister), i found the one "Nothing will come of nothing." I began thinking about what this means and what i could apply it to. For example: at this very moment, I'm supposed to be cleaning my room and bringing my dirty clothes downstairs. No matter how bad i wish i could just snap my fingers and those things be done for me, "nothing will come of nothing." Another thing I've noticed is that many people i know have made new years resolutions to lose weight, read more, go to church more often, etc. The normal resolutions. But i have also noticed that many of those people have not acted on their commitment. I think they're hoping that just because it's a new year, their resolutions will just automatically keep themselves; and yet, "nothing will come of nothing." People talk all the time about "going green" and "change" yet they drive home in their diesel trucks and get angry when our nation appoints a black man as our president. I'll admit i wasn't the most excited person when it came to Obama, but we asked for change, we got it, and i believe our new president will continue changing our nation in one way or another. "Nothing will come of nothing." At our church right now, we are going through a lot concerning debt and leadership. If no one steps up, "nothing will come of nothing". If we don't start turning to God for help, "nothing will come of nothing." So what are you doing still sitting there?? Get up and do something, or else "nothing will come of nothing" :)


  1. Oh, make me laugh, you make me cry, but you always make me proud! Now, get busy cleaning your room! =)

  2. HannahKate!! You are wise way beyond your years and I am so proud to say that I know you!! Thank you for your words of wisdom.

  3. HannahKate, you may only be 13, but you are on your way to becoming a very wise young lady! I look forward to hearing more from you in the days and weeks to come!
