Monday, February 9, 2009

Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find

So recently my best friend, lets just call her Sally;), has been through a lot. Not to sound all teen angsty on you but one thing that has hurt Sally recently is that her boyfriend of a year and a month broke up with her for the..5th?(lost track) and last time. [[let me remind you we are in the 8th grade so this was considered a long time.]] This "boyfriend" decided that just because they weren't going out anymore, it was okay to put her down and make fun of her. Things were said(from both sides) that are now regretted; But Sally "loved" him and for days after I could tell she was upset and some-what depressed; but to anyone else(not her best friend) you wouldn't have even noticed. Lets backtrack some to before all this happened. Sally's parents were having some trouble. Her family is like my second family so you can imagine that if anything bad happened then it would hurt me nearly as much as it would hurt her. Let's keep in mind that Sally is in volleyball, basketball, student council, almost all pre-AP classes, only in the 8th grade, etc. All things that require tons of work and result in tons of stress for a 13 year old. While all this was happening Sally remained strong and never showed how much pain she was in. Something else? Sally's younger brother was coming home with his friend one day and his friends mom lost control of the car. The car flipped three times, finally coming to a stop in a ditch. All three passengers were sent to the ER and treated for minor cuts and scrapes.No one was hurt severely but to this day her brother has scars on his arms from the window glass. Again Sally showed no sign of pain in her life. Sally has been through many different struggles and i write all this to say that i am proud of her and i love her very much. She has been a great friend to me regardless whats happening in her life. I will go ahead and tell you that Sally now has a new boyfriend(who in my opinion is a much better choice than the former). Her family issues have been resolved, and she is finally happy again. I know many people who wouldn't have been able to endure these things, but not Sally. Sally is stronger than that. So in the words of Shakespeare: Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find.
*most of the people reading this blog know who I'm talking about. i would appreciate it if no one said anything to her about anything said in this post as she doesn't know i wrote this and would be extremely embarrassed:)


  1. HK: You are wise beyond your years!! Love you.

  2. "Sally" is very blessed to have such a good friend as you!
